Saturday, October 27, 2007

Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer

Ah the third book....YAY!!
I couldn't wait to get my hands on this book to find out who Bella chooses. But at times I found her to enjoy being the center of attention between Jacob and Edward. She was leading Jacob on a little and I did not like that at all.

I do love however, how the werewolves and vampires banded together to protect Bella and the residents of Forks from the murderous vamps on the lose.

I thought all my questions would have been answered in this book, but they have not. I want more...and am so sad that I have to wait through Edwards side of things in his book "Breaking Dawn".

I hope the following book "Midnight Sun" is Jacob's story. I really hope he meets a girl that he can fall in love with because Bella is truly and completely Edwards girl. I want Edward to turn Bella and love her. I doubt there will be any love scenes though since it is Young adult. But I think that should be the next step.

Oh, and I cannot wait for the Movie. I just wish it would have been made a little earlier so Henry Cavill could have played Edward.

Location: Returned to the Store. Will rebuy when in PB.
Rating: 5 Stars

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